Google Ads Extensions: Hotel Basics


What are Google Ads Extensions?

Google Ads extensions (now known as Associations) are optional add-ons for your hotel’s paid search advertisements. Extensions give you more space to add information about your hotel, often opening up unique messaging opportunities that aren’t available with standard ad copy. 

Google Ads extensions occasionally show alongside the ads in your campaign, their placement dependent on extension type, search query, user history, and other algorithmic factors. There is no guarantee that a given extension will show, nor is there any way to force them to appear. However, they can still be a powerful addition to your hotel’s paid search account. 

There are a number of extension types, and all are a great way to call out highlights of your hotel and entice users to convert. Below, I’ve gone into detail on some of the most common Google Ads extension types for hotels. Google offers more extension options than what I’ve listed, but these are the most relevant and efficient extension types when trying to attract hotel room bookings.

Google Ads Extension Types For Hotels

Each Google Ads extension type serves a different purpose, with unique strengths and limitations. When used right though, every extension type listed here has the potential to boost ad performance and increase key performance indicators. Below, we’ve provided a brief overview on each type with the most potential for hotel paid search, to help you get started with Google Ads extensions.


Sitelink extensions allow you to add multiple page links to your ad, occasionally with a short description of what each page contains.


Sitelinks can be a great way to drive traffic to specific pages on your website, since they are prominently displayed with your ads. Sitelinks may also increase clickthrough rate, by offering multiple topic options to provide more relevant information and help users navigate your site quickly.


Character Restrictions

  • Link Text: Max 25
  • Description line 1: Max 35 
  • Description line 2: Max 35

Other Restrictions

  • Link Text must be unique from other sitelinks
  • URL must be unique from other sitelinks
  • URL must match domain of the ad


On desktop, sitelinks may display with a 2-line description to add more context. Sitelinks will never appear with just 1 description line.


Callout extensions are short additions that highlight key features or perks about your hotel.


Callouts are a great way to emphasize key benefits of a stay at your hotel, without taking space away from your ad.


Character Restrictions

  • Callout Text: Max 25


Callouts will display the same way on mobile and desktop, added to the end of your ad and formatted like standard ad copy.

Structured Snippet

Structured snippet extensions consist of a header and a static list of values relating to the header topic.


Like callouts, structured snippets are a way to highlight hotel advantages without taking up ad space. However, they have the added benefit of organizing these advantages under a specific topic.


Character Restrictions

  • Value Text: Max 25

Relevant Header Types

  • Amenities
  • Destinations
  • Featured Hotels
  • Neighborhoods

Other Restrictions

  • Up to 10 values per extension
  • Headers can repeat, but values can not


Structured snippets will show up the same way on mobile and desktop, added to the end of your ad and formatted like standard ad copy. 

When a structured snippet extension does show, all values will show in the same order you choose when setting up the extension.


Call extensions add your phone number to an ad.


Calls make it easy for users to contact your hotel, increasing the likelihood that they follow through. This is especially helpful if your hotel’s paid search account tracks phone calls as a conversion. 


Other Restrictions

  • Must be verified by Google
  • Must be accurate and current


Calls will appear differently on mobile and desktop. 

However, the number will always be displayed with whatever formatting you choose at extension setup. In this example, we opted for something other than the traditional (XXX) XXX-XXXX format.


Promotion extensions highlight monetary deals at your hotel.


Promotions are an easy way to call out exclusive offers and persuade customers to book with you instead of your competition.


Character Restrictions

  • Text: Max 20

Format Options

  • $ off [text]
  • % off [text]
  • Up to $ off [text]
  • Up to % off [text]


Promotions will appear differently on mobile and desktop, but will always follow the ad. 

In this example, “Valet Parking” was the text.

Using Google Ads Extensions

Overall, Google Ads extensions are an efficient way to highlight benefits of your hotel without distracting from your core message. They’re a great way to grab the attention of customers, and can even increase clicks, conversions, and other key performance indicators when used correctly. They’re easy to set up, and don’t take much effort to maintain due to their simplicity. 

So what are you waiting for?

Learn more about Google Ads extensions by contacting GCommerce Solutions below, and get started today.

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