Flywheel News | August 2024 Hotel Digital Marketing News | GCommerce

  1. Google AI overviews now overlap 99% of the time with organic listing results

When GCommerce first originally studied Google’s SGE results, the majority of sources included fell outside the top organic listings on the SERP. Fast forward to August 2024, Google’s AI Overviews now match the top organic search results 99.5% of the time. This alludes to Google using more traditional search ranking signals as part of the model for these results. Learn more here.

  1. 4 tips to help your hotel win Black Friday & Cyber Monday in 2024

School is back in session, and that means one thing. It’s time to start planning now for your hotel’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaign strategies. Learn the top 4 tips from our hotel digital marketing experts as you prepare the best holiday hotel promotions yet.

  1. Google extends deadline for Hotel Ads commission bidding sunset

Originally slated to be unavailable October 31, 2024, Google has now extended the phase-out of commission-based Google Hotel Ad campaign bid strategy to February 20, 2025. Even though this date is extended, we recommend moving away from this bid strategy ASAP. Options for more control and better revenue performance exist outside of this Google commission bid strategy. Reach out to our Metadesk hotel metasearch experts to learn how to keep a commission based contract structure but gain better performance with your Google Hotel Ads campaigns.

  1. Learn about the symbiotic relationship of revenue management & metasearch

Hotel metasearch channels have revolutionized the way travelers search, compare and book their accommodations. It’s become an essential part of the direct booking toolkit to fight against OTA commissions. The symbiotic relationship between revenue management and hotel metasearch is where the magic happens. Learn more here.