9 Best Practices For LinkedIn Advertising For Hotels


LinkedIn Ads is a great marketing tool to utilize for B2B or B2C companies to build leads, online recognition, share content, and more. LinkedIn Ads differs from other ad platforms because it focuses on specific audience targeting relating to job titles, education, company, or company size. It can be tricky to advertise on LinkedIn, but we have nine tips you can use today to improve and get the most out of your ads. 

  1. Keep In Mind Your LinkedIn Ads Audience Size

LinkedIn recommends keeping your audience size a minimum of 50,000-500,000 max. Anything larger than that will be too broad, making it difficult to find the right target audience for your hotel’s LinkedIn ads. 

  1. Location is Key for LinkedIn Ads

Location is a mandatory targeting field within LinkedIn Ads. You can get specific with a city or metropolitan area, or go broad with state or country. Utilizing the right locations will ensure your hotel’s LinkedIn ads are going to the right audience in the specific locations you are targeting.

  1. Avoid Hyper Targeting with LinkedIn Ads

It’s recommended that you don’t use more than three targeting segments with your hotel’s LinkedIn Ads campaign targeting. The campaign manager will show estimated reach and audience size while you build out your audience. An example of this would be using too many of the targeting segments in one LinkedIn ads campaign including job titles, companies, customer match lists, or educational segments. 

  1. Utilize LinkedIn Ads Campaign Demographics

When you click into your LinkedIn campaign you can gain insights into your audience. Click the three dots to change it from performance to demographics. You can see who is clicking on your ads, impressions, opening lead forms, and see open rates. This will help you narrow down your audience and target people likely to interact with your ads. 

  1. Limit Your LinkedIn Ads Form Fields

When you notice people are opening your form on LinkedIn, but aren’t submitting it, it likely means you have too many fields for people to fill out. It’s recommended you have only 3-5 fields within your LinkedIn forms. The least amount of fields to fill out the better. 

Pro Tip: Make sure to include location in your LinkedIn ads form so people know where you are located. 

  1. Utilize LinkedIn Ads Website Demographics

On the left hand side of your LinkedIn ad manager you will see the Analyze navigation option. Click the dropdown then click website demographics. This will show you the types of people that are coming to your hotel’s website. This could be another great option in determining who your hotel’s target audience is on LinkedIn Ads. 

  1. Create LinkedIn Ads Matched Audiences

Matched audiences are a great way to use your business data and LinkedIn’s professional data within your LinkedIn ads campaigns. You can create retargeting audiences, contact targeting, account targeting and lookalike audiences. For example, you can create a retargeting audience of people who have opened a lead form, but didn’t submit. There are options to go back 30, 60, 90, 180, or 365 days. 

  1. Create At Least Five Ads Per LinkedIn Campaign

LinkedIn suggests having at least five ads in your campaign because studies have shown that advertisers generally see a 20% or greater improvement in click-through rate (CTR). LinkedIn can also recommend images you have uploaded to your media library based on relevance and performance of each image for your specific campaign.

  1. Craft LinkedIn Ad Copy Around a Clear Call To Action

Your LinkedIn ads should end with a clear CTA of what you want them to do next. Make sure your CTA matches the objective you originally selected. Effective CTA’s include “Register Now” or “Sign Up”. 

LinkedIn Ads is a great platform to utilize to reach potential customers who are interested in your product or service. These are just a few tips to get you started to be successful, but ultimately there will be a lot of testing and figuring out what will work best for your ads.

For more information about LinkedIn Advertising for hotels or getting started, reach out to us at GCommerce today!

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