Flywheel News | May 2022 Hotel Digital Marketing News | GCommerce

  1. Google Enhances Trip Planning Tools 

Google launched a few features to assist users with travel planning. Most notable for hotels includes interest based filters in Google Maps, hotel search by landmark/attraction proximity and a new feature that allows people to save hotels and vacation rentals. Learn more here

  1. Google Includes Customer Match In Smart Bidding Signals 

The demise of 3rd party cookie tracking is no doubt on your mind. 1st party data and customer lists are the key to remarketing in this new “cookieless” world. Within Google’s eco-system, Customer Match lists have emerged as a way to retarget your 1st part data lists and create beneficial similar to prospecting lists for campaigns. Google announced that Customer Match lists will now be used in Smart bidding and campaign optimization. 

  1. TikTok Introduces New Integrations For Content Platform Partner

Social media managers around the world rejoice! You can now use your favorite social content publishing platform to post content directly to TikTok. Learn more and view the list of integration platform partners here.

  1. Google Marketing Live 2022 Features Extensive Product Announcement

Every year, the entire marketing industry eagerly anticipates the arrival of Google Marketing Live. This 1.5 hour event is a heavy hitting list of product and feature updates coming to the Google marketing suite of platforms. It included updates on everything from video to conversion lift testing, new audience capabilities and more. Discover the recap here.