Mastering the Art of Crafting Revenue Generating Paid Search Ads for Hotels


In today's digital era, paid search advertising has become an integral part of any successful hotel marketing campaign. With the right approach, paid search ads can effectively boost your hotel’s online visibility, attract highly targeted traffic, and drive conversions. However, to make the most of this advertising strategy, it's crucial to create compelling and captivating ads that entice users to click. In this blog, we'll uncover the key principles and techniques to write the best paid search ads that yield remarkable results.

Know Your Hotel’s Audience:

The foundation of any successful ad campaign lies in understanding your target audience. Take the time to research and analyze your ideal customers, including their demographics, preferences, and pain points. By knowing your audience, you can tailor your ad copy to resonate with their needs and desires, leading to higher engagement rates and conversions.

Craft a Strong Value Proposition:

Your hotel’s paid search ads should highlight the unique value your product or service offers. Clearly communicate the benefits and advantages that set you apart from your competitors. Consider the specific problems your audience faces and how your solution solves them. Incorporate strong and compelling language to convey the value proposition effectively within the limited character count.

Utilize Persuasive Language About Your Hotel:

Every word in your ad matters. To grab attention and elicit action, employ persuasive language that triggers emotional responses in your audience. Use power words, action verbs, and vivid adjectives to evoke curiosity, excitement, or a sense of urgency. However, ensure that your claims are truthful and realistic to maintain credibility.

Focus on Relevance and Keyword Optimization:

Relevance is crucial in hotel paid search ads. Align your ad copy with the keywords you are targeting to ensure the highest Quality Score and ad rank. Incorporate relevant keywords in your headlines and ad descriptions while maintaining a natural flow. A well-optimized ad will not only attract your target audience but also improve your ad's performance and cost-effectiveness.

Employ Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs):

Guide your potential guests with clear and captivating prompts that steer them toward the desired actions. Whether it's enticing them to "Book Now," "Reserve Your Stay Today," "Discover More," or "Request a Complimentary Quote," make sure your CTAs are compelling.

To create a sense of urgency and excitement, consider incorporating phrases such as "Limited Time Exclusive" or "Only a Few Suites Remaining." These tactics make your CTAs more compelling, urging visitors to take immediate action and thereby boosting click-through and conversion rates.

Test, Analyze, and Optimize:

The journey to crafting exceptional paid search ads for hotels doesn't end with their creation. Continuous testing, analysis, and optimization are vital for maximizing your results. Experiment with different variations of ad copy, headlines, CTAs, and landing pages to identify what resonates best with your audience. Leverage A/B testing and tracking tools to measure performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Monitor Your Hotel’s Competitors’ Ads:

Keep an eye on your hotel’s competitors' paid search ads to gather insights and stay ahead of the curve. Analyze their ad copy, CTAs, and landing pages to understand their messaging and strategies. Identify gaps in their approach that you can leverage to differentiate yourself and gain a competitive edge. By staying informed about your competition, you can fine-tune your ads and maintain relevance in the market.

Crafting outstanding paid search ads for your hotel requires a combination of creativity, data analysis, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By implementing the principles outlined above and continuously refining your strategies, you can create high-performing ads that capture attention, engage users, and drive conversions. 

Remember, success in paid search advertising is an ongoing journey that requires constant optimization and adaptation to stay ahead in the dynamic digital landscape. Let the seasoned team at GCommerce help!

The Evolving Landscape of Performance Marketing: Embracing Change for Success


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the field of marketing has undergone significant transformations. Among these changes, performance marketing has emerged as a dominant force. This data-driven marketing approach has revolutionized how businesses reach and engage with their target audience, delivering tangible and measurable results. 

However, performance marketing itself is not immune to change. It is constantly transforming and adapting to the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Shift from Traditional to Digital Marketing Platforms

Performance marketing previously relied on channels such as print, television, and radio. However, with our new digital marketing platforms, the focus has shifted toward online channels like search engines, social media, and email marketing. These digital platforms offer greater targeting capabilities, allowing marketers to reach specific demographics and track the performance of their campaigns more effectively.

Rise of Marketing Data and Analytics

Data and analytics have become the backbone of performance marketing. With technological advancements, marketers now have access to unprecedented data, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies in real time. By leveraging data analytics, marketers can analyze consumer behavior, identify patterns, and personalize their marketing efforts for maximum impact. 

To optimize your business's data most effectively, ensure you have transitioned to GA4. 

Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have revolutionized performance marketing by enabling marketers to automate and optimize various processes. AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify trends, and deliver personalized consumer experiences. Moreover, machine learning algorithms can continually learn and adapt, enhancing campaign performance over time. Integrating AI and ML in performance marketing has significantly improved targeting precision and efficiency.

Shift towards Personalization in Marketing

Today's consumers expect personalized experiences from brands. Performance marketing has responded to this demand by delivering highly targeted and personalized messages. By leveraging consumer data, marketers can create tailored campaigns that resonate with individuals on a deeper level. Personalization not only enhances customer engagement but also improves conversion rates and customer loyalty. 

Check out the power of community marketing in our latest webinar on specific ways to showcase this personalization for your property.

Emphasis on Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool within performance marketing. Consumers increasingly value recommendations from trusted individuals over traditional advertising. Influencers, with their loyal and engaged audiences, can drive brand awareness, generate leads, and boost conversions. Performance marketers are now partnering with influencers to leverage their reach and credibility, effectively reaching new and niche markets.

The Growing Significance of User Experience

User experience (UX) has become a critical factor in performance marketing. Businesses are realizing that providing a seamless and intuitive experience across all touchpoints is essential for success. Every aspect of the user journey affects performance, from website design to landing pages and mobile optimization. Performance marketers are investing in UX optimization to ensure a positive user experience that translates into higher engagement and conversion rates. 

Performance marketing is undergoing a profound transformation driven by technological evolution and consumer expectations. Digital platforms, data analytics, AI, personalization, influencer marketing, and user experience are just some of the factors shaping the future of this dynamic field. 

By embracing these changes and staying agile, businesses can leverage the power of performance marketing to drive growth, connect with their audience on a deeper level, and achieve measurable results in an ever-changing marketing landscape.

How Your Hotel Can Be Found on TikTok Search: TikTok’s New Search Ads Toggle


As TikTok continues solidifying its position as one of the most popular social media platforms globally, it's no surprise that the company is constantly innovating to provide advertisers with more effective ways to engage their audience. The addition of Search Ads promises to be a game-changer, offering businesses a unique opportunity to tap into the immense potential of TikTok's user base like never before.

We dove into the exciting world of TikTok's new Search Ads feature, exploring its potential impact on the advertising landscape, how it works, and why brands should be eager to incorporate it into their marketing strategies.

What Is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform that skyrocketed in popularity by offering a unique space where users share short-form video formats and engage with bite-sized, entertaining content. What sets TikTok apart is its unparalleled ability to capture users' attention through engaging, user-generated videos and creative challenges.

Why Should Hotels Use TikTok?

This platform's viral nature enables brands to tap into a massive and highly engaged global community, making it an exceptional avenue for advertising. By harnessing the power of TikTok's immersive content and innovative ad formats, businesses can reach a broad audience and foster authentic connections, driving brand awareness and pushing engagement to new heights.

For more information on getting started on TikTok, check out our [E-Book] A Crash Course To TikTok Ads.

What Is the TikTok Search Ads Toggle and How Does It Work?

TikTok has announced a new feature to their advertising offers. The new Search Ads Toggle allows a brand's ads to be shown on the search results page in the app. It utilizes the creative content from advertisers' existing In-Feed Ads, enabling them to display their ads in conjunction with organic search results that align with user queries. 

Once the Search Ad Toggle is activated, it triggers the automatic generation of ads using the advertiser's pre-existing ad content. These ads are then displayed alongside organic search results that match users' queries. Identified as "Sponsored" content, they occupy different positions on the results page, determined by factors such as relevance, user intent, and insights drawn from broader user interactions.

Why You Should Consider Using the Search Ads Toggle

The introduction of the Search Ads Toggle presents a distinctive avenue to deliver valuable, contextually appropriate information and engagements to TikTok’s user base. TikTok users frequently employ the search feature for various purposes, including discovering fresh content, rediscovering past posts, and exploring the latest trending topics and concepts. The Search Ads Toggle represents an innovative means for advertisers to contribute to and elevate this user experience.

Furthermore, its impact is quantifiable. TikTok's internal research indicates that enabling the Search Ads Toggle leads to enhanced performance for approximately 70% of ad groups, resulting in more efficient conversions originating from search ads.

How to Get Started Using the TikTok Search Ads Toggle

When setting up an In-Feed Ads campaign on the platform, navigate to the Edit section of the ad group under "select placements" (specifically the TikTok section). The Search Ads Toggle is automatically set to "on". When the toggle is set to "on," search result ads are generated automatically, utilizing the advertiser's existing In-Feed Ad content and targeting criteria. These ads are then displayed alongside organic video results, aligning with relevant user queries. Advertisers have the flexibility to activate the Search Ads Toggle either during campaign setup or while a campaign is already running. 

If needed, advertisers can opt-out by switching it "off" during campaign creation. It's important to note that activating the Search Ads Toggle midway through a campaign will not restart the learning phase for that campaign. The Search Ads Toggle also cannot be added to an existing ad group, so advertisers would need to create a new ad group or duplicate an existing ad group in order to begin using this feature.

Final Takeaways on TikTok's Search Ads Toggle 

Thanks to the Search Ads Toggle, brands have the opportunity to appear alongside content that aligns with their business, product, or service, all while delivering users a tailor-made advertising encounter.

Let the experts at GCommerce help get you started on TikTok! Connect with us today for more information!

Paid Search Test: Google Ads For Hotel Restaurants


Most upscale hotels offer on-site dining options, but only some have a dedicated marketing strategy. Dining brings in extra revenue from guests, locals, and even tourists, so why aren’t marketing campaigns more common for hotel bars and restaurants?

In this paid search test, we set out to determine whether it’s worth the time and money to use Google Ads for hotel restaurants. Are dining campaigns an underutilized gem? Or do hotels skip them for a reason?

The Paid Search Test

This test collected data from Quarter 1 (Jan 1 - Mar 31, 2023), covering five restaurants across the United States. Each restaurant was managed by and located on-site at a different upscale boutique hotel, with previous brand awareness varying between locations. With the exception of Property 4, each restaurant also contained a bar area, and these campaigns targeted bar-related searches along with restaurant-focused keywords.

During this paid search test, each property ran two separate dining campaigns: Brand Terms and Market Terms (Non-Brand Terms). These campaigns were single keyword ad groups, with Brand Terms focusing on the name of the restaurant and Market Terms focusing on its location or features (e.g. “Restaurant In Park City, UT” and “Rooftop Bar Near Me”). 

The primary goal of each Brand Terms campaign was to promote business by increasing table reservations, while Market Terms was more focused on creating awareness and driving clicks.

Each campaign in this test started on Jan 1, 2023, and this freshness means that the data below does not reflect well-established and optimized campaigns. While some minor adjustments were made each month, the success of these campaigns does not rely on hours, weeks, or months of fine-tuning and management.

The Results

Brand Terms saw a Clickthrough Rate of around 40-50%, and Market Terms saw just under 10%.

While total monthly budgets varied, the average Cost Per Click was under $2 for all Market Terms campaigns, with the exception of Property 3, well under $1 for Brand Terms.

Table Reservation Rates varied by property, which could be caused by factors such as table availability, restaurant hours, and local competition. However, most properties saw Table Reservation Rates around the 5% range for both Brand and Market Terms. 

See the below for full results. 


Paid search dining campaigns are an effective and relatively cheap way to increase table reservations and generate awareness for your hotel’s restaurant.

While we are unable to measure how many times these campaigns influenced someone to visit the restaurant without reserving a table online, the data we do have is still incredibly promising. Metrics like Cost Per Reservation and Reservation Rate varied, but each campaign in our test saw an overall Revenue gain based on the average bill amount at each location.

Start with something small if you’re not ready to commit a large portion of your paid search budget to dining campaigns. With Cost Per Click hovering around $1, your potential for success is high even with a very limited budget. Property 5 spent less than $1,000/month on their dining campaigns and still managed to bring in over 3,500 clicks and 250 table reservations in their first quarter. 

Overall, we highly recommend giving paid search dining campaigns a try. If you’re ready to start or just looking for more information, contact GCommerce Solutions.

9 Best Practices For LinkedIn Advertising For Hotels


LinkedIn Ads is a great marketing tool to utilize for B2B or B2C companies to build leads, online recognition, share content, and more. LinkedIn Ads differs from other ad platforms because it focuses on specific audience targeting relating to job titles, education, company, or company size. It can be tricky to advertise on LinkedIn, but we have nine tips you can use today to improve and get the most out of your ads. 

  1. Keep In Mind Your LinkedIn Ads Audience Size

LinkedIn recommends keeping your audience size a minimum of 50,000-500,000 max. Anything larger than that will be too broad, making it difficult to find the right target audience for your hotel’s LinkedIn ads. 

  1. Location is Key for LinkedIn Ads

Location is a mandatory targeting field within LinkedIn Ads. You can get specific with a city or metropolitan area, or go broad with state or country. Utilizing the right locations will ensure your hotel’s LinkedIn ads are going to the right audience in the specific locations you are targeting.

  1. Avoid Hyper Targeting with LinkedIn Ads

It’s recommended that you don’t use more than three targeting segments with your hotel’s LinkedIn Ads campaign targeting. The campaign manager will show estimated reach and audience size while you build out your audience. An example of this would be using too many of the targeting segments in one LinkedIn ads campaign including job titles, companies, customer match lists, or educational segments. 

  1. Utilize LinkedIn Ads Campaign Demographics

When you click into your LinkedIn campaign you can gain insights into your audience. Click the three dots to change it from performance to demographics. You can see who is clicking on your ads, impressions, opening lead forms, and see open rates. This will help you narrow down your audience and target people likely to interact with your ads. 

  1. Limit Your LinkedIn Ads Form Fields

When you notice people are opening your form on LinkedIn, but aren’t submitting it, it likely means you have too many fields for people to fill out. It’s recommended you have only 3-5 fields within your LinkedIn forms. The least amount of fields to fill out the better. 

Pro Tip: Make sure to include location in your LinkedIn ads form so people know where you are located. 

  1. Utilize LinkedIn Ads Website Demographics

On the left hand side of your LinkedIn ad manager you will see the Analyze navigation option. Click the dropdown then click website demographics. This will show you the types of people that are coming to your hotel’s website. This could be another great option in determining who your hotel’s target audience is on LinkedIn Ads. 

  1. Create LinkedIn Ads Matched Audiences

Matched audiences are a great way to use your business data and LinkedIn’s professional data within your LinkedIn ads campaigns. You can create retargeting audiences, contact targeting, account targeting and lookalike audiences. For example, you can create a retargeting audience of people who have opened a lead form, but didn’t submit. There are options to go back 30, 60, 90, 180, or 365 days. 

  1. Create At Least Five Ads Per LinkedIn Campaign

LinkedIn suggests having at least five ads in your campaign because studies have shown that advertisers generally see a 20% or greater improvement in click-through rate (CTR). LinkedIn can also recommend images you have uploaded to your media library based on relevance and performance of each image for your specific campaign.

  1. Craft LinkedIn Ad Copy Around a Clear Call To Action

Your LinkedIn ads should end with a clear CTA of what you want them to do next. Make sure your CTA matches the objective you originally selected. Effective CTA’s include “Register Now” or “Sign Up”. 

LinkedIn Ads is a great platform to utilize to reach potential customers who are interested in your product or service. These are just a few tips to get you started to be successful, but ultimately there will be a lot of testing and figuring out what will work best for your ads.

For more information about LinkedIn Advertising for hotels or getting started, reach out to us at GCommerce today!

Hotel Deals On Paid Search: Sitelink vs. Promo Extensions


Limited-time offers are essential to any hotel marketing strategy, but promoting them can be complicated. There are so many options that it can be challenging to find the best approach, especially when it comes to paid search. 

This is especially true when it comes to Google Ads extensions. GCommerce has seen great success with both sitelinks and promotions for hotel deals, but we have yet to crown one extension type as superior. So let’s figure it out once and for all - Are sitelink or promotion extensions better for promoting limited-time hotel deals?

Our Google Ads Optimization Test

This test compared the efficacy of sitelink and promotion extensions when marketing limited-time hotel deals. If you’re unfamiliar with these extension types, see our full guide on Google Ads extensions for background on their format, strengths, and limitations.

We gathered data from 13 deals across Google Ads accounts for 9 boutique hotels in the United States. The content of each deal varied, covering percent discounts, convenience packages, unique experiences, and more. 

Each of the 13 deals ranged from a few days to a few months in length, taking place at various times throughout the year. For each individual offer, though, sitelink and promotion extensions ran simultaneously for the duration of the deal. 

All extensions were added to both Brand and Market (non-Brand) Terms campaigns using single keyword ad groups. In addition, each hotel’s Google Ads account also ran non-deal extensions during the test period, though competition with other extensions was fairly even between sitelinks and promotions.

The Results

This chart combines data from all 13 hotel deals. 

When combined, promotion extensions outperform sitelinks in all but cost per conversion and conversion rate. 

This is also supported when looking at results by individual deal. In this chart, the listed extension type performed better for a given Key Performance Indicator (KPI), with “Tie” indicating that the difference between extensions types was less than 5%.

In both cases, promotion extensions are the clear winner for most KPIs. They offer higher awareness, better CTR, and more total interactions than sitelink extensions. 

However, sitelinks do edge out promotions in conversion rate and cost per conversion, which is something to consider. If your hotel is running on a limited budget and values conversions over clicks, sitelinks may be the better option. 


Promotion extensions are great at driving awareness for hotel deals and should be incorporated into your hotel’s marketing strategy. They’re a valuable Google Ads optimization tool, and adding them to your hotel’s campaigns is a great way to reach future guests.

However, this test also proves the value of sitelink extensions. They’re never too far behind promotion extensions in terms of performance and do have the edge when it comes to conversion efficiency. There’s also something to be said for their unique extension properties, such as the ability to add a description with more details on a hotel deal. 

When possible, we highly suggest using both sitelink and promotion extensions to market hotel deals. They both add value to an account, especially for hotels with multiple priority KPIs. A good mix of extensions will create a good mix of results, making a diverse optimization strategy the most effective.

For more hotel marketing tips, check out the rest of our digital marketing blog.